About Us
ES Rowing Services Ltd was formed in 2007 by Eric Sims and is focused on providing an all-round service to the rowing world, specialising in boat repairs and the supply of rowing spares, racking, pontoons, coaching launches and more.
ESRS will take in all makes of boat for repair (Empacher, Filippi, Aylings, Sims and Janousek etc) as well as providing support to past ERB customers. Integral to ESRS’ repairs service will be its weekly trailer collection from the Tideway / Thames Valley areas with similar arrangements to the rest of England and Scotland on a monthly basis. ESRS hopes that club members will think of this as a quick and cost-effective repair service which will save them valuable time.
Steve Pitcher who started with Matt Wood when it was based on the Putney embankment over 30 years ago, heads up the ESRS’ spares team. Steve has built riggers for Sir Steve Redgrave – winning Olympic and world titles – and has extensive knowledge of the spares and riggers used in all makes of boat. All rigger types will be available from ESRS and a next-day delivery service will be operated for its spares orders.