We use somecookies on our site. Cookies store some information on your computer. This pagetells you about the kind of cookies we use.
What is acookie?
A"cookie" is technology that allows our website to store tokens ofinformation (an 'identifier') in your browser used only by our website whileyou are on our website. Cookies are not used to determine the personal identityof anyone who is merely visiting our website. They serve to help us tracktraffic patterns to determine a user’s preferred location and language for usto direct user to the correct country home page when they visit our website. Onspecific pages of our website, cookies are used to help us track your interestswhile you browse the internet. This is to assist us to understand what is importantto you and to tailor more relevant direct marketing to you.
Whatcookies do we use?
Type 1Cookies
Example:CMSSESSID67392540 - a session cookie.
Thesecookies are essential, as they ensure your security and privacy when you useour secure sites, as well as enabling you to move around a website and use itsfeatures. Without these cookies, services you've asked for (such as access tosecure areas) can't be provided. These cookies don't gather information aboutyou that could be used for marketing or remembering where you've been on theinternet.
Type 2Cookies
Examples:_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz - Google analytics cookies
Thesecookies collect information about how visitors use a website, for instancewhich pages visitors go to most often, and if they get error messages from webpages.
Type 3Cookies
Examples:_apt_user_id, _apt_session_id.
We setfirst-party domain cookies only. These are used for analytical purposes and arenon-intrusive. They are not shared with any third-parties and are used purelyfor the purposes of improving the customers journey and experience'.
The cookieswe set allow us to track and record web visit data. The cookies names we setare _apt_user_id and _apt_session_id.
_apt_user_idallows us to identify a specific user.
_apt_session_idallows us to identify a session for a user.
By usingour website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device.
How do I disablecookies?
You can setyour computer to warn you each time a cookie is sent or turn off all cookies(except Flash cookies) through your browser. Check your browser's Help menu oryour built-in mobile device settings to find out how. If you do not acceptcookies, some features, services or activities that are availableon our Websites may be affected and you may be unable to perform certaintransactions, use certain functionality, and access certain content.